How did it happen? How the output was derived from my Perl program
First of all today, I will tell you the classification of languages under which Perl falls. Perl is an interpretive language, as Perl uses an interpreter for processing a source code written using Perl’s syntax. Being an interpreted language have it’s own benefits and disadvantages. You can easily test out the code just as you are building it, this is one of the biggest gain of an interpreted language and Perl programmers can use this advantage to the maximum. A main drawback of interpreter driven languages are that they are just like a car or bike with out gas, when an interpreter is lacking. You can do nothing except stare and study such a code with out a proper interpreter.
Now we can have a sneak peek at what happened internally when we ran the command ‘perl’ in last session.
When this command is issued, Perl’s internal compiler scans through the whole source code in ‘’ and converts it into a ‘bytecode’ format. By the way a ByteCode is an internal data structure representing the source code. Now the Perl Bytecode engine executes this resultant bytecode and if there is a syntax error or some prob’s you are notified.
This is what happened internally, when we ran the command ‘Perl’ in the last session.
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